The VIMF 2023 will be held from 11/8~11, 2023. Come to join us!
VIMF–Vietnam Industrial & Manufacturing Fair is a prestigious, quality exhibition, an effective bridge, highly appreciated by the business community across Asia. It will be held on 11/8(Wed)-11(Sat) in Bac Ninh, Vietnam.
Uintech participates in the exhibition with our partner RTC Technology this year and showcases our #RFID solutions.
We invite you to join us & experience our products firsthand.
Expo Information:
-Date: 8-11 Nov, 2023
-Venue: Kinh Bac Cultural Center - Bac Ninh | Vietnam
-Booth: B45, RTC Technology
-Learn more: https://vietnamindustrialfiesta.com/vimf-2023-viet-nam/