Seamless Data Management Starts with Enterprise Keyboard!-Newsroom | Unitech Global | Your Brilliant AIDC Solution Provider
2024-09-24 Product News

Seamless Data Management Starts with Enterprise Keyboard!


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Struggling with data entry processes that are slowing down your retail, logistics, or warehouse operations?

Watch our video to discover how Unitech’s Enterprise Keyboard – a mobile application software – optimizes data input and streamlines workflows in demanding environments.


Virtual Keyboard – customizable layouts tailored for specific tasks

OCR Function – captures text from paper documents, images, or ID cards, supporting both single and multi-field inputs

Barcode Collection – features built-in barcode scanning for quick and easy data capture, with external scanner support via USU and ScanBridge (coming soon) for first-time setup

RFID Collection – features fast and precise data capture using an external connected RFID reader with TagAccess software for the first-time setup



Watch the video via YouTube →

Learn more about Enterprise Keyboard, please visit: