Why is Mobile Computer with Barcode Engine A Cut Above Smartphone with Camera?

While smartphones with cameras can read barcodes using specialized apps, mobile computers with barcode engines have several advantages:
DPM Code Direct Part Marking (DPM) codes are used in the manufacturing industry to mark components with permanent identification. Barcode engines are designed to read DPM codes that may be difficult or impossible to read with camera-based scanning.
High-density QR Code Barcode engines can read very small barcode symbols, such as barcodes with 5-mil or even 3-mil resolution, making them ideal for applications where space is limited, such as in the manufacturing or healthcare industry.
3. Support Long-range Barcode Reading
4. More Accuracy
5. Extremely Durable
While smartphones with cameras can get the job done for simple barcode scanning tasks, they lack the specialized capabilities required for demanding industries like inventory management or order picking. That's where our mobile computer with barcode engine comes in - offering superior performance and efficiency, making it the preferred choice for professionals. |
Unitech offers a series of mobile computers with superior barcode engine. Visit the following websites for more details!
Touch Computers |
Rugged Smartphones |
Handheld Terminal |