MS146-How to Disable Check Digits for UPC-E/UPC-A and Remove First 4 Characters?-Newsroom | Unitech Global | Your Brilliant AIDC Solution Provider
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MS146-How to Disable Check Digits for UPC-E/UPC-A and Remove First 4 Characters?


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Have you ever encountered issues with barcode output formats?

Do you need to disable check digits for UPC-E/UPC-A or remove the first 4 characters to meet your system requirements?

We understand that in various industries such as retail, warehousing, manufacturing, and healthcare, the output format of barcode scanners can present challenges. That's why we offer convenient features on our MS146 to help you easily adjust barcode data formats:


-Disable Check Digits for UPC-E/UPC-A

-Remove First 4 Characters


For detailed setup instructions, explore the full guide above!





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